fml Configuration Manual †fml最新バージョン
2005/2/5 現在
fml4系 fml-4.0-stable-20040215
fml8系 fml-devel-source-20050124
目次 †このページではFML4系の使い方memoを書いています。 8系はそのうち書くかもしれません。 fmlのインストール †fmlのインストール先
groupadd fml adduser -g fml fml su fml tar zxvf fml-4.0-stable-20040215.tar.gz cd fml-4.0-stable-20040215 make -O i686-pc-linux-gnu install ---Please Define Your Fml System Configurations Personal Use or ML-Admin-Group-Shared or fmlserv you use? Personal, Group, Fmlserv (personal/group/fmlserv) [personal] DOMAIN NAME [] FQDN [] EXEC FILES DIRECTORY [/usr/local/fml] TOP LEVEL ML DIRECTORY [/var/spool/ml] Language (Japanese or English) [Japanese] TimeZone (TZ: e.g. +0900, -0300) [+0900] ちなみにあらかじめディレクトリを作っておかないとエラーになる。 rootでインストールを行って、後からファイルの所有者を変更してもよい。 chown -R fml:fml /usr/local/fml fmlの管理 †makefmlのヘルプ makefml info show this message makefml install Install the fml system makefml newml ML make a new Mailing List <ML> makefml destructml ML destruct Mailing List <ML> makefml add ML addr add <addr> to <ML> makefml bye ML addr remove <addr> from <ML> makefml add2actives ML addr add <addr> to only actives makefml add2members ML addr add <addr> to only members makefml on ML addr on <addr> makefml off ML addr off <addr> makefml chaddr ML old new change address <old> => <new> makefml digest ML addr [opt] set up digest(matome) for address <addr> makefml matome ML addr [opt] set up digest(matome) for address <addr> makefml byeadmin ML addr remove the administrator of <ML> makefml addadmin ML addr add <addr> as an admin to <ML> makefml passwd ML addr to change the administrator passwd makefml help help message makefml test ML test makefml pgp ML args e.g. admin-auth.pgp2 ML -ka pubkey makefml dist-auth.pgp ML args (abbr. da.pgp) pgp = pgp2 pgp[5kesv] gpg makefml dist-encrypt.pgp ML args (abbr. de.pgp) pgp = pgp2 pgp[5kesv] gpg makefml admin-auth.pgp ML args (abbr. aa.pgp) pgp = pgp2 pgp[5kesv] gpg makefml admin-encrypt.pgp ML args (abbr. ae.pgp) pgp = pgp2 pgp[5kesv] gppg makefml mead set up mead (error mail analyzer) makefml fmlserv set up fmlserv (listserv-like server) makefml lock ML [time] lock <ML> for <time> (default 3600) sec. makefml edit-template edit template file under locked state makefml config-template configure template cf file makefml create-doc-template ML create document templates e.g. help, guide makefml update-config ML make (cf -> config_ph) makefml recollect-aliases remake $ML_DIR/etc/aliases makefml htpasswd ML htpasswd wrapper for ml makefml mladmin.cgi ML set up ml-admin/$ml/*.cgi makefml tail ML [opt] syntax sugar of log makefml log ML [opt] show log: [-i] [-NUMBER] [all] [-pPATTERN] makefml command ML addr ... e.g. "command ML <addr> mget last:3 mp" makefml edit ML edit <ML>'s file under lock (default makefml config ML [menu] to configure <ML> fundamental makefml showconf show environment, version, ..
メーリングリストの作成・運用 †fmlでバグってハニー †
参考リンク † |